Creating a tool to remove the Chainring on Trek Rail 9.5 EMTB Bosch Performance Gen 4

This tool can quit easily be found and bought on the web, but since it was in the weekend and I didn’t wanna wait for another week or two to remove my chainring I decided to create the tool in my workshop.

If you want to buy one instead of creating it by yourself, search the web for “Cyclus tool bosch performance gen 4” or “Cyclus tools Bosch GEN3 + GEN4 Lockring-tool”.

I started the project by finding a suitable old retired socket that could fit for this purpose and the 32 millimeter was a perfect match.
My specific 32 socket was 36,5 mm between the bolt edges and 42,7 mm on the outside.

I put the socket in my lathe and took it down to 37 mm on the inside.

A retired 32 millimeter socket
A retired 32 millimeter socket in my lathe
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Utklippans fyr / lighthouse !!!Strömavbrott/Power Failure!!!

Bild från webbkameran i Utklippans fyr Karlskrona

!!!Strömavbrott på Utklippan sedan 2022-09-27 kl 21:12!!!
!!!Power failure on Utklippan since 2022-09-27 at 21:12!!!

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Bilden uppdateras på servern varje minut och sparas i arkivet var 15:e minut, dygnet runt, året om.

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